About Forget Me Not
‘’He serves without servility; he has fought without enmity. There is nothing so powerful, nothing less violent, there is nothing so quick, nothing more patient.’’
'' Ronald Duncan. The Horse 1854 ''
What We Do
We take in aged and special needs horses and ponies over the age of 18 who are in need of specialised and dedicated care.
We provide sanctuary to these who are in their twilight years when their owners are no longer able to *
Fully compliant Not For Profit with ACNC Registration processing.
* Unfortunately we are not able to take them all- selection criteria apply.

Who We Are
Our Board consists of various professionals with decades of experience in working with and around horses. We’ve grown up with horses and been involved with them most of our lives, everything from riding schools and shows to veterinary care and now we want to secure a loving deserved retirement and a dignified farewell to these animals that have given us so much joy in our lives.